Više o proizvodu femidoc® Utipro® Plus

za stručnu javnost


Proizvod femidoc® Utipro® Plus je medicinski proizvod u kapsulama, namijenjen za prevenciju i upravljanje ponavljajućim infekcijama mokraćnog sustava. S primarnim mehaničkim djelovanjem u crijevima smanjuje crijevno bakterijsko opterećenje uropatogenom E. coli, koja je glavni uzročnik ponavljajućeg cistitisa. Predstavlja alternativu i podršku antibiotskoj terapiji.

Podrška stručnjaka

Proizvod preporučuju međunarodno priznati stručnjaci iz područja urologije, ginekologije, gerijatrije i opće medicine.

Mehanizam djelovanja

Proizvod primarno djeluje u crijevima, a sekundarno u mokraćnom sustavu. Djeluje mehanički, smanjujući razmnožavanje uropatogenih bakterija, čime se smanjuje rizik od infekcije mokraćnog sustava.

Česta pitanja

Kliničke studije pokazuju da femidoc® Utipro® Plus poboljšava simptome cistitisa u roku 5 dana liječenja i smanjuje potrebu za antibioticima (1).

Da, terapija se može ponavljati po potrebi u ciklusima. Klinička praksa pokazuje pozitivne učinke dugotrajnog uzimanja na prevenciju ponovnih infekcija mokraćnog sustava (2). Dugotrajno uzimanje do 9 mjeseci nema poznatih nuspojava.

Ne, glavna aktivna tvar, ksiloglukan, ne metabolizira se u probavnom traktu te dospijeva do crijevne stijenke u netaknutom obliku.

Ne, film od ksiloglukana i geloze stvara selektivnu barijeru koja pojačava i imitira postojeću crijevnu sluznicu, a ne utječe na apsorpciju hranjivih tvari ili lijekova.

Ne, film od ksiloglukana i geloze ne ometa djelovanje komensalnih bakterija niti učinkovitost probiotika.

Unos hrane ne utječe na učinkovitost proizvoda, stoga se kapsule mogu uzimati s hranom ili bez nje.

Preporučuje se uzimanje proizvoda prema priloženim uputama. Kapsulu je moguće otvoriti i sadržaj pomiješati s vodom ili hranom, ali organoleptičke
karakteristike (okus i miris) praška možda neće biti ugodne za izravnu konzumaciju. Unatoč tomu, proizvod zadržava svoju učinkovitost.

Da. Proizvod femidoc® Utipro® Plus sadrži zanemarivu količinu sladila sukroze.

Da, proizvod femidoc® Utipro® Plus prikladan je i za pacijente s istovremeno prisutnim crijevnim bolestima.

1. Garcia-Larrosa, A.; Alexe, O. Efficacy and Safety of a Medical Device versus Placebo in the Early Treatment of Patients with Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Clin. Microbiol. 2016, 5, 1

2. Kostev K, Cai T. Cystitis and Utipro ®  Plus: Real-World Evidence. Healthcare. 2023; 11(18):2564.

Znanost u pozadini

Proizvod je registrirani medicinski proizvod, potkrijepljen nizom kliničkih studija i meta-analizom. Uključen je u stručne smjernice Švicarskog udruženja ginekologa i opstetričara (SSGO, 2020) kao ne-antibiotski pristup za liječenje akutnih i ponavljajućih nekompliciranih infekcija mokraćnog sustava.

Type of evidence Authors Title Summary


Betschart C. et al., 2020
Guideline of the Swiss Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (SSGO) on acute and recurrent urinary tract infections in women, including pregnancy
Utipro® Plus among the antibiotic-free approaches for the treatment of acute and recurrent uncomplicated UTIs.

A Systematic
Review and

Cai T. et al., 2022
Xyloglucan, Hibiscus and Propolis in the Management of Uncomplicated Lower Urinary Tract Infections
A medical device containing xyloglucan, hibiscus and propolis is superior to comparator regimens in terms of clinical effectiveness in adult women with microbiologically confirmed or clinical suspicion of uncomplicated cystitis and is associated with a high patient compliance.

Multicentre, randomised, parallel group, double-blind, phase IV study

Costache R. C. et al., 2019
Xyloglucan-Gelose combination versus Placebo as Adjuvant Therapy to First line Antimicrobials for Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection in Adults
The combination of xyloglucan and gelose was safe, well tolerated and reduced bacteriological and symptomatic parameters, in particular urinary incontinence and urgency of micturition.

Randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial

Salvatorelli N. et al., 2016
A new approach to the treatment of uncomplicated cystitis
The medical device can help in preventing the recurrence of uncomplicated cystitis as well as helps to reduce antibiotic use in management of urinary tract infection in women.

Randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

Garcia-Larrosa A. et al., 2016
Efficacy and safety of a medical device versus placebo in the early treatment of patients with symptoms of urinary tract infection
The medical device was more effective than placebo in improving UTI symptoms and it reduced the need for antibiotic rescue.

Observational, prospective, and multicenter study

Ortega P. et al., 2022
Clinical Experience with a Medical Device Containing Xyloglucan, Hibiscus, and Propolis for the Control of Acute Uncomplicated Urinary Tract – like Symptoms
The objective of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of a medical device in clinical practice with a cohort of women from Switzerland, paying special attention to the history of UTIs. A total of 84 women (81.6%) did not require an additional consultation, whereas 17 (16.5%) required a second one.

Observational, prospective study

T. Cai et al., 2019
Xyloglucan, hibiscus and propolis to reduce symptoms and antibiotics use in recurrent UTIs: a prospective study
This medical device is able to improve quality of life in women with rUTIs, and to reduce recurrence rate and the use of antibiotics.

Observational, retrospective, cross-sectional study

Kostev K. and Cai T., 2023
Cystitis and Utipro® Plus: Real-World Evidence
The use of Utipro® Plus is able to decrease UTI recurrence and can lead to the reduction of antibiotic prescriptions and disease burden in individuals affected by uncomplicated cystitis.


Guglietta A., 2017
Recurrent urinary tract infections in women: risk factors, etiology, pathogenesis and prophylaxis
Review of the role of alternative non-antibiotic based approaches, such as mechanical barrier protection of the intestinal mucosa in UTI management.


Rodriguez Mañas L., 2020
Urinary tract infections in the elderly: a review of disease characteristics and current treatment options
New treatment strategies that offer a safe and effective non-antimicrobial means of managing UTIs could have an important role in the elderly.


Piqué N. et al., 2018
Xyloglucan, a plant polymer with barrier protective properties over the mucous membranes: an overview
Xyloglucan, endowed with film-forming protective barrier properties, is a safe no-pharmacological alternative for the management of different diseases.

In vivo study

Olier M. et al., 2017
Evaluation of reticulated gelatine hibiscus propolis against intestinal commensal species commonly associated with urinary tract infections
The medical device alters the intestinal niche occupied by uropathogens such as E. coli.

In vivo study

Esposito E. et al., 2020
Efficacy of Xyloglucan against Escherichia coli Extraintestinal Urinary Tract Infection: An in vivo Study
The study supports the potential beneficial effect of xyloglucan or xyloglucan-gelose in preventing extraintestinal UTIs by means of reducing E. coli colonies.

In vivo study

Esposito E. et al., 2018
Protective Effects of Xyloglucan in Association with the Polysaccharide Gelose in an Experimental Model of Gastroenteritis and Urinary Tract Infections
Rats were infected by oral administration of Salmonella enterica and Enterococcus hirae. The compound reduced the number of bacterial colonies in the urinary tract favoring elimination by feces. The results obtained in the present study suggest that the protective barrier properties of xyloglucan plus gelose allow the prevention of GE and UTI in models of infections in rats.

In vitro study

Fraile B. et al., 2017
Xyloglucan, hibiscus and propolis for the prevention of urinary tract infections. Results of in vitro studies
Xyloglucan, hibiscus and propolis did not alter E. coli cell integrity in intestinal and uroepithelial cell models and were devoid of antibacterial activity. The non-pharmacological barrier properties of these components confirm the role of the medical device for the management of urinary tract infections.

In vitro study

De Servi B. et al., 2016
Efficacy of a medical device containing xyloglucan gelatin against Escherichia coli invasion of intestinal epithelial cells: results of an in vitro study
The medical device creates a protective physical barrier on epithelial intestinal cells in vitro, which reduces the settling of E coli reservoirs.

Case reports

Cai T., Konstantidinis C., Ward S., 2021
A non-pharmacological approach to the treatment of urinary tract infections: case reports with Utipro® Plus
Publication on case series referring about the benefits of Utipro® Plus in some challenging cases of urinary infections. In this new publication, the product has proven its usefulness as a non-pharmacological approach in recurrent UTIs, thus allowing a rational use of antibiotics.

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